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Root Canal Brooklyn

Contact Phone: 718-489-9145 Address: 2384 Ocean Ave, suite 140 Brooklyn, NY 11229  URL: About US Every tooth in your mouth has a blood and neurovascular (nerve) supply that provides nutrients and sensation to your teeth. If dental decay goes untreated, it will find its way to the nerve chamber of a tooth. This will usually present with pain to cold, hot, and pain when you bite. These are usually signs that you may need root canal therapy.  At Quentin Smile Dental, we focus on preventative means, however once root canal therapy is indicated, we conduct it with safe and pain-free measures.  What is a Root Canal? This is a common misnomer, since every tooth has a root canal (some even have more than one). The proper name is "root canal therapy" (RCT). Root Canal Therapy simply involves accessing the tooth's nerve chamber while the patient is completely anes...

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